Advanced Technology Solutions
& Digitalization Empowerment

Provide Tangible Hope, Fairness, Quality Job Done, Collaboration, Continuous Growth


Our Company

AAMAAL is a global leader in digitalization, advanced technology services, technology capacity building and business consultancy. The AAMAAL Group is at the leading position of innovation and entrepreneurship to address the entire needs of clients’ opportunities in the advancing world of digitalization, cloud systems, and technology solutions.

AAMAAL is a global leader in networking and partnering with advanced technology companies to facilitate knowledge, expertise, and technology transfer at the global level.

AAMAAL goal is to create hope for students, young graduates, and unemployed youth in developing their career in business and technology.


To be one of the leading growth engines for the information technology industry in Palestine.


Become a leader in digital transformation - in the region while accelerating growth of Palestinian talent and innovation.

Our Services

Business development

Software development

ERP Solutions

Start Ups

DIGITAL Transformation

training academy


robotic process automation

Our Industries

Satisfied Customer
Awards Winner
Satisfied Customer
Awards Winner